
Sunday, September 27, 2015

Towanda Citizens Want Medical Marijuana

A Rally For Medical Cannabis

Rebecca Roth, who is a 36 year old suffering of brain cancer, has admitted that she uses cannabis oil and that she feels a whole lot better.  "I am surviving at 23 months past my surgery.  I do use cannabis oil.  I have had no active cancer at all now. It's definitely a blessing for me."

Roth, was only one of the many citizens from Towanda, who joined the rally in favor of medical marijuana this Saturday.  Sen. Mike Folmer and Rep. Mike Regan, were also at this rally and they are also in favor of legalizing or regulating cannabis.  

According to some of the people at this rally, it is very likely that a bill will be passed for regulating medical cannabis in Pennsylvania very soon and this is excellent news for all of us.  

Commissioner Janet Lewis, was also at the rally and she said, "I think medical marijuana should be legalized.  I have heard too many cases where it has helped people.  I think that the Legislature is afraid of the Stigma, They visualize hippies smoking pot.  The Legislature should look beyond the Stigma and do research.  There are people who are actually being helped by medical marijuana."  

The rally was planned and organized by local Towanda people and this is proof that more of us are in favor or regulating medical marijuana and cannabis for recreational purposes.  Hopefully the lawmakers start changing their minds soon and finally realize that marijuana needs to be regulated and not prohibited anymore.  

Please remember to share and like this blog post, to help out the people from Towanda and people like Rebecca Roth, who are being benefited by medical cannabis every day.  

Monday, September 14, 2015

8 Year Old Mexican Girl Will Get Medical Marijuana

Medicinal Cannabis Will Help A Little Mexican Girl

Grace Elizalde, is an eight year old Mexican girl, who suffers from epileptic seizures every day.  These "brain quakes", leave her entire body hurting and exhausted.  Her family has tried many medications and treatments, but none have worked until now.  

This is why they are now considering something that it is still not legal in Mexico, but that they believe will help their daughter.  We are talking about a marijuana oil, which has already been used for treating American children with similar diagnosis and has yielded amazing results.  

Unfortunately, as mentioned above, Mexico has still not legalized marijuana for either medicinal or recreational purposes and this is one of the reasons why there have been so many deaths and problems over the last few years.  

Thankfully, a federal judge in Mexico, declared that he cannot prohibit Grace's parents from finding, purchasing and importing the cannabis oil into Mexico.  This means that if Grace's parents can buy the cannabidiol, Grace might become the first Mexican to use cannabis legally as a medicine.  

Grace's father talked to the media and he stated, "We're up against time.  The seizure's keep getting stronger."  In the past, Grace's father has driven to Laredo, Texas, which is around three hours away from Monterrey, Mexico, to purchase some Cortrosyn, for more than $5000, only to find out that it did not work.  

This is why they are willing to give cannabis oil a try and we certainly hope that it works.  Not only because this would promote the legalization of medical marijuana in Mexico, but because we really wish Grace to feel better.  

Hopefully Grace's parents can find the cannabidiol products soon or maybe even make their own!!