
Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Uruguay Defends The Legalization Of Cannabis

The Failure Of Current Prohibitions Are Leading To The Legalization Of Cannabis In Uruguay

It was yesterday, that Uruguay defended their new project for the legalization of cannabis against the United Nations Drug Commission, as they believe that the current regulations which prohibit the use of cannabis in any way, have failed completely and have not accomplished anything since they were first created.

This was what some of the Uruguay’s government representatives explained in yesterday’s forum and according to Diego Canepa, who will also be meeting with other organizations to talk about the same topic today, as there are some who are not as interested in letting people use cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes in Uruguay yet.

Canepa declared to the press that they truly believe in the evidence of public politics and that the evidence is astonishing, as none of the objectives that were established by those politics in the past, have been accomplished and this is why the current regulations on cannabis need to be changed.  He also said that addictions have not been reduced in the last 40 years, drug use has not been reduced either, in fact it is increasing. This was only one of the many comments that Canepa and other Uruguay representatives said during yesterday’s reunion, yet these meetings will last until Friday, which means there is still much to be said about the legalization of cannabis.

The Legalization Of Cannabis Is Needed Now

According to Canepa the current regulations on cannabis, have only given more power to organized crime groups, who generate more crime and which is on a rise in countries like Colombia, Mexico and they even defy the State or have completely taken over some regions of those countries.

The Uruguayan delegate, also stated that they are not in favor of abusive substance consumption, but that they are in favor of a legalization, which controls these substances. According to Canepa, a regulated market, will allow the government to have better control and to protect its citizens like they should.

Canepa also talked about how some sectors or social groups have been more vulnerable to certain situations, how some human rights have been violated and how the current regulations on cannabis have created more harm than benefits.

The commission of the United Nations who is in charge of substance regulation all over the world, stated that regulating cannabis like Uruguay has proposed, would be against some of the international laws at the moment and that they are still matters to talk about.

Canepa also stated that Uruguay has every right to change their laws whenever they want and when they consider that changing them will help to fight organized crime and benefit their country as well.   

Uruguay Is Right About The Legalization Of Cannabis

We simply cannot continue on the path that we are right now and just like most Uruguay representatives are stating, the current regulations on cannabis need to be changed. Please remember to share and like this article, to join our fan club and join our newsletter by leaving us your email in the box to the right, so we can keep you informed about the legalization of cannabis all over the world.

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