
Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Homemade Wine With Weed

Learn About The High That A Homemade Wine With Weed Can Give You

Some of you may already know, that adding some cannabis to your homemade wine, can be an amazing result and it can surely give you the high of a lifetime. If you are like me and like to experiment with your marijuana, you will most definitely enjoy drinking some of the wine that is infused with this herb and you will certainly want to see these types of wine bottles in alcohol stores one day.

It has been since the mid 70s and early 80s, that people in California, (which is one of the most important territories for vintners), have been using cannabis to make a new kind of wine and to enhance its taste as well. It was during those years, when this US State, was home to thousands of young vintners, who were excited about experimenting with their wine making process and who were also avid cannabis smokers. This led to the experimentation of these two substances together and most people will have to admit, that the results were more than simply amazing.

Is Cannabis Homemade Wine Right For You?

There have been a lot of experiments by vintners, trying to create the perfect cannabis wine and these have been conducted over a trial and error strategy, which has led to many different results and has certainly given way for many more questions by some.  It is obvious that making wine is not an easy task, as it involves both some knowledge of agriculture and chemistry, which is why not everyone is doing this at home and not everyone has heard about homemade wine that is infused with marijuana.  

According to some vintners and people who have tasted this sort of wine, those white blends, create some more natural smells and aromas, when they are combined with cannabis and they also tend to have a lower alcohol level, but still make you spend an excellent time. Those red wines, can really give you an amazing high, when they are combined with cannabis, as these producer higher levels of alcohol, they make you feel as if you had eaten pot brownies or other cannabis edibles and they sure taste good.

The process of making your cannabis infused wine, is certainly not legal yet and you could get yourself in lots of trouble if marijuana is not legal were you live, which is why I do not recommend you trying this at home, unless you are certain that you will not be getting in any trouble over this.

To make your own marijuana wine, all some vintners do is to soak some cannabis in Everclear for more than one day, as this will extract the THC from the weed and is then added to a fermenting wine bottle, through cheesecloth or other type of strainer.

You Should Really Try Homemade Wine With Weed One Day

If you have not yet tried one of this marijuana infused wines, it would be great if you do sometime, because it can really change the way that you think about consuming cannabis and it will certainly give you a high like you have never had before.

Please remember to like and share this article and to subscribe to our mailing list in the box to the right, so that we can send you more information about cannabis homemade wine and how you can make one of these bottles on your own.

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  1. Hi
    If I Add some dried pots (But The good stuff!) in my wine cask, would it work ass well?
    I've got some wine casks (The red one), And I'm really interested for trying this. I'll be appreciate if you help me more.
    Thank you

  2. Hello Nima, thanks for your comment. I believe that should work too. You just have to extract the THC and drink :)
