
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Hemp Paper For Independence

We Should Be Using Hemp For Paper

Well, as many of you know, today is Independence Day in the United States and it is an important day for cannabis too, as the Declaration of Independence, was written on paper made out of hemp and this proves how this plant could benefit the world and how it had been used in the past. 

Our ancestors had many things right and they were certainly less dangerous to our environment, than we are today. Hemp, can be used for many things and it could certainly help some countries to grow and develop their communities.  Some of the products that can be created with this plant are fabrics, medicine, shampoos, fuels, rope and much more.  

Some people may not know, that the two first drafts of the US Declaration of Independence were written on paper made out of hemp and that at least 75% of the paper being used at that time, was also made from this plant. Some experts have stated that over 90% of the paper used in the world during 1883, was made out from cannabis and that people considered it a durable material.  

More Documents Made Out From Hemp

Not only was the US Declaration of Independence written on these type of paper in 1776, but there are also other important documents, (some of which, can still be found out there) that are made out of hemp paper and that have changed the world. 

Some of the important documents that I am talking about include "The Gutenberg Bible" during the 15th century, "The King James Bible" during the 17th century, the Thomas Paine's pamphlets: The Rights of Man, Common Sense and The Age of Reason, stories like Mark Twain and those written by Victor Hugo, Alexander Dumas and even the famous "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Caroll. 

Just like the US got its independence from Britain a few centuries ago, we should also free cannabis and hemp worldwide, as it will help us all and this is what we need to improve many aspects of our lives.  Once cannabis is legalized, we will have more job opportunities, more business opportunities, more health care opportunities and a lot more industrial opportunities. 

It is time to free cannabis worldwide and it is up to us to fight for it. Please remember to share and like this blog post, so that more people can help us achieve cannabis Independence worldwide and start growing our own.  You can also subscribe to our mailing list, by typing in your email in the box to the right and we will keep you up to date with the latest hemp and cannabis news around the world, as well as give you ideas on how to use your cannabis and more.  

We Must Fight For The Independence Of Hemp & Cannabis

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