
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

More Parents Are In Favor Of Legalizing Marijuana

Legalizing Marijuana Is The Right Choice

Believe it or not, a survey that was just released yesterday is stating that there is a large number of parents in the US, who are in favor of legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes and that there are many who want this herb legalized for recreational use as well.  The survey was conducted by “The Partnership at”, which is sort of an unexpected thing, as they usually do not publish information about people wanting to legalize cannabis or the benefits of this herb. 

The survey has the title of “Marijuana: It’s Legal, Now What?” and this was also a surprise to many, as no one was expecting this association to publish this work.  The authors of this survey wrote, “With marijuana now legal for recreational use in Colorado and Washington State, for medical use in 18 states and the District of Columbia, and effectively decriminalized in 14 states, it’s clear that society’s approach to marijuana is changing dramatically.”

These words prove what we have been saying here at Zip 420 for a while and it is obvious that the majority of Americans and people around the world now want to legalize marijuana at all costs.

The Survey Results Prove That People Are Thinking About Legalizing Marijuana

As stated above, the majority of people are now in favor of having cannabis legalized and the results in this survey are really amazing.  At least 70% of the people, who answered this survey, stated that they are in favor of legalizing this herb and 52% percent of them were in favor of decriminalizing it as well.  Another amazing result that this survey gave to us is that 42% of participants are also in favor of legalizing marijuana for recreational use, which is certainly a very large number and it will help us to make new reforms around the world. 

The number of participants in this survey was 1603 adults and according to the authors, at least 1200 of them are parents, who have children between the ages of 10 and 19.  This proves that the majority of parents are now less concerned about their children being exposed to cannabis and that they are now seeing the reality about this herb. 

Tom Angell, who is the chairman and also the founder of the organization called “Marijuana Majority”, stated “This is a classic repositioning move from advocates who know they’ve badly lost an argument with the American people.  It’s great to see the Partnership conceding that marijuana legalization is no longer a matter of if and that the key question now is how marijuana will be regulated in the post-prohibition era.”

Legalizing Marijuana Is A Battle That We Are Winning

This is not the first survey that shows the people’s support for the legalization of cannabis and this is why we can say that we are winning the war.  Don’t forget to share and like this article, so that more people can now about this survey and what people think about legalizing marijuana all over the world.  You should also sign up for our free mailing list, by leaving us your email to the right and we will send you some useful information about marijuana.

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