
Saturday, September 21, 2013

Marijuana Is Still Being Grown In Afghanistan

Reports States That Marijuana Is Still Grown In Afghanistan

According to officials from the United Stations and from Afghanistan, there are still many people who are currently growing marijuana in Afghanistan and some even consider it to be spread widely across the country.  The officials also stated, that even though there is not as much marijuana being grown, as there was in the past couple of years, there are still many farms that are growing some large cannabis fields.  

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, creates an annual report and in 2012, it stated that at least 25000 acres of land in Afghanistan, were being used to grow marijuana. The Ministry of Counter-Narcotics in Afghanistan, also helped the United Nations to create this report and it is obvious that they could not have found all of the cannabis fields in the country.  This means that there is probably a lot more cannabis being grown in this country, than it is believed.  

The Afghanistan's Marijuana Growing Report

We believe that this report did not capture all of the marijuana fields being sown in this country, as the report was mainly based on satellite images.  Although, the researchers do have a very good view of the fields and have kept a record of where cannabis has been grown in Afghanistan in past years, they may still have missed a few fields, as sometimes even helicopters cannot find these.  

While some provinces, like Uruzgan have been doing a good job banning the illegal growth of cannabis in Afghanistan,  there are still others that are not doing much to stop this industry and many actually favor it.  In 2010, the United Nations had established Afghanistan as the top producer of marijuana in the world and this means that farmers are making tons of money with it.  

The United Nations, even stated that Afghanistan farmers are profiting more out of this herb, than they are from their famous opium fields.  This only proves the popularity of marijuana around the world and the amazing business that it really is.  

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Marijuana Is A Great Business In Afghanistan And The World  

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